At Hopewell, we want to see men and women be disciples of Jesus who are making disciples of Jesus through Spirit-filled friendship and servant leadership in the home, family, church, workplace, and community. The Adult Sunday School class meets every Sunday from 10:00...
Sunday School Sunday school is an intentional instrument to assist parents in the Christian nurture of their children, the covenant children of the church. The Children’s Sunday School is from – 10:00 -10:45 a.m. Sunday. Children’s Church We offer...
Welcome to our Adult Sunday School page at Hopewell Presbyterian Church! We are so glad you stopped by to learn more. We believe Sunday School is an essential part of church life. We have a variety of classes and curriculum available to help you learn more about the...
At Hopewell, we want to see our students mature in their faith and grow in grace. We encourage our students to fully participate in the worship, service, fellowship, and witness of the church. The youth meet monthly (normally the 2nd Friday of the month) from...