Our History
Hopewell was Founded prior to 1808
Hopewell Presbyterian Church Ground Breaking for Sunday School Building 1954

Hopewell Presbyterian Church was organized prior to 1808 but no minutes were kept until then. A log school-house was Hopewell’s first place of worship. William Wherry, founder of the church, donated land where a large frame structure was built in 1845. In 1897 a new building was erected near Lesslie Station after the railroad was projected to run from Camden to Rock Hill. Sunday School rooms were added in 1954.
Hopewell Presbyterian Home Coming
Hopewell joined the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) in 1973 and moved into their new building located on Hwy 21 South. The mortgage was burned in 1983 and the steeple was added in 1987.

Hopewell Presbyterian Church Ground Breaking

Hopewell Presbyterian Church Dedication

Hopewell Presbyterian Church Ground Breaking