Our Building and Services
Subtitle that Highlights the Purpose of Your Building in the Community
This is where you can talk about your commitment to your sharing your space as a place for meetings and as a community center in your town. Let people know details such as what to expect when they visit, parking, building hours, rental policies, free coffee and so on. Introduce the services you provide to the public and to the congregation.
Insert a key visual from your building to the right with a portrait (vertical) or square orientation. Use a horizontal (landscape) image for the page’s Featured Image, which will show up in the header.
Building Hours
Monday-Friday: 7am – 11pm
Weekend: 9am – 11pm
Office Hours
Monday-Thursday: 8am – 5pm
Friday: 8am – Noon
Amenities and Services We Offer

Service One
This is where you describe a particular amenity or service you offer (weddings, meeting space, etc.), what the policies are for room usage, and what steps the person or business should take next to request use of the service. Be sure to link to any forms or documents you expect the user to check out. Make sure that you use guest-friendly language, and also distinguish how costs or policies differ for congregation members vs. the public.
Show More
Use the Show More toggle to give even more detailed information. Use the button to link to any steps the person needs to take next.
Make this column full-width if you don’t feel the need for an accompanying image. However, an image (or image slider) well help people imagine using your building for their event.

Service Two
Here are some popular examples of building space usage: Weddings, Parties, Community Group Meetings, Health Check-Ups, Seminars, Baptisms, Community Gardens, Outside Worship Communities, Classes, Polling Locations, Historical Tours, Cemetery or Columbaria, etc. Many of these can be grouped together.
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Be sure to describe the facilities available for events, gatherings, meetings and so on. Feature pictures of the spaces in the image gallery below.

Service Three
Obviously, offering services and amenities to non-members is a great way to introduce them to your church. However, this may require you to develop building usage and other policies (if you haven’t already done so). For example, you’ll need to clarify if those seeking baptism or marriage will need to join the church first, will need to go through wedding counseling, and so on. It’s good to be both transparent and generous in these situations.
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In the bottom you can post maps of your buildings to help visitors get a better sense of how your spaces are laid out.